1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004
You know that person who always seems incapable of sitting still—or like he’s about to cause mischief? Chances are, he’s a Monkey. Clever, naughty and oh-so talkative, Monkeys can annoy as much as they entertain. They’re whip-smart, even if they play dumb, and will chatter away like their signature animal, sometimes in a screechy tone.
Long, dangly limbs and loud voices are traits of this sign, and they love to entertain with goofy physical comedy. Their statuesque bods make them model material, but Monkeys are uncomfortable as glamour icons. They’ll quickly disrupt this reputation by crossing their eyes, making dorky gestures or cracking silly jokes. These showoffs just want to amuse themselves (and you).
Monkeys are always thinking, and can be a bit neurotic or compulsive. Their minds move as quickly as their hands and mouths. Quick on the trigger, they stir up much drama with their outbursts and reactions. Life with a Monkey may not be peaceful, but it promises few dull moments, and plenty of entertainment.
Western Sign: Leo
Compatible With: Dragon, Rat
See another Chinese Zodiac sign
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